Dr. Crosby answers clinicians’ questions about CAMS treatments


Q. How can practitioners benefit from using CAMS devices in their practice?

A. CAMS treatments are:

  • Fast—as little as 10-15 seconds for the LaserCam and Handheld LaserCam and only two minutes for the RJV-TensCam.
  • Effective—offering immediate relief for many types of acute and chronic pain.
  • Non-invasive—the unit never touches the patient.
  • Painless—Most patients feel nothing. Some may feel a warmth or mild tingling sensation during a CAMS treatment.
  • Free from side-effects. Each day, more than 20,000 CAMS treatments are given worldwide. No side-effects have ever been reported.
  • Billable—CAMS treatments (except for the Personal Tuner) are covered by most personal injury insurance plans.

Q. What’s the difference between a TENS unit and a CAMS device?

A. Clinically, it appears that a two-minute treatment with a CAMS device is 20 times more effective—not to mention much quicker—than a 20-minute TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) treatment. And unlike TENS treatments, CAMS treatments are a no-touch modality.

Q. What are the advantages of treating patients with CAMS?

A. CAMS devices can easily treat any organ system at any depth in the body. The CAMS unit never touches the patient, and treatments are painless.

Q. What types of conditions can CAMS devices treat?

A. The TENS unit that powers the RJV-TensCam has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating pain, chronic pain, sleep disturbances and depression.

The LaserCam and Handheld LaserCam are manufactured according to the safety standards established by the FDA.

Q. Are CAMS treatments billable?

A. Treatments with the RJV-TensCam is billable under CPT code 97032. Consult the current coding book for information on LaserCam and Handheld LaserCam. Treatment with the Personal Tuner is not billable.



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