Clinician case studies for CAMS energy-based healing devices from Crosby Advanced Medical Systems


Many healthcare providers around the world are using CAMS devices in clinical practice. Here are a few examples of how patients with a variety of health conditions are responding to these energy-based treatments.


Patient: 54-year-old male
History: The patient presented with bone-on-bone osteoarthritis in his left knee and was due for a replacement. He also had degenerative joint disease in the lower cervical and lower lumbar spine, antalgic posture and a painful limp.

CAMS experience:

A four-minute CAMS treatment to the knee caused all pain to disappear; further two minutes on neck and lower back with same results. Two weeks later, still no pain and evidence that regeneration is taking place.

– Norman Smith, DC and Paul Campbell, ND, Pineville, Missouri


Effects of brain tumor radiation treatment

Patient: 60-year-old male
History: The patient presented with a total loss of voluntary movement in his right leg following radiation treatment of a brain tumor. The doctors indicated it was probably due to either damage or swelling of the brain, and that it may resolve in six to eight weeks if at all.

CAMS experience:

After his first CAMS treatment, the patient was able to move his right big toe. After his second treatment, he could move his right foot. Following his third treatment, he was able to move his right leg, and after his fourth treatment, he could stand and walk. He has had a total of eight treatments within the past two weeks and now has an almost normal gait.

– Gregory J. Wastl, DC, Eagan, Minnesota


Multiple sclerosis

Patient: 39-year-old female
History: The patient’s presenting complaints were bilateral foot numbness with paralysis of the toes, and right hip numbness.

CAMS experience:

Following her first CAMS treatment, her right hip numbness was gone and her foot numbness and toe paralysis improved 50%. After her second treatment, the toe paralysis was gone and the foot numbness was barely noticeable. She will return next week for her third treatment.

– Gregory J. Wastl, DC, Eagan, Minnesota


Breast lump

Patient: 49-year-old female
History: Patient was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and presented with a hard, painful walnut-size lump on the left breast.

CAMS experience:

After two two-minute CAMS treatments, the breast lump stopped hurting and was reduced to pea-size. Four days later, it was completely gone. All signs of congestive heart failure are now gone and confirmed by cardiologist to be gone after three CAMS treatments in three weeks.

– Norman Smith, DC and Paul Campbell, ND, Pineville, Missouri


Physicians report their experiences with CAMS

“With ultrasound images of injured or inflamed areas on a monitor, we can watch in real time the reduction and resorption of extracellular fluids and shrinkage of [scar] tissue. The first time we observed this, the very experienced and competent technician’s jaw dropped and he said, ‘That just doesn’t happen!’ CAMS bridges the gap between science and medicine. Good work, Dr. Crosby!”
— Charles Schwengel, DO, MD (H)
Mesa, Arizona

“I have used the TensCam since 2000 on an almost daily basis. A 15-minute deep-ganglion injection procedure requiring a 3-1/2″ needle can be replaced by a two-minute no-touch treatment with the TensCam.”
— Robert F. Kidd, MD, CM
Renfrew, Ontario Canada

“The TensCam unit is the most impressive device I have used in pain management. It has obviated the need for invasive interventional techniques in many instances.”
— Simon Trueblood, MD
Merrillville, Indiana

“In over 50 years of practice, the TensCam is the most valuable piece of equipment that I have ever had. Also, for personal health problems, both my wife and I have used it extensively with positive results.”
— William Halcomb, DO
Mesa, Arizona


Share your CAMS treatment experience

Have you treated patients with a CAMS energy-based healing device? We’re very interested in hearing how CAMS treatments are working for your patients. If you have a story to share, please take a moment to fill out the simple form.

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